First Blog

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog.

I’m not a writer, so honestly, this is all new to me. However, I would like to try and maybe this could be the start of something new. :) And I hope I can use this as an outlet to share my stories with the world. As I’m typing this, I can tell that this is not easy for me - just because I don’t know what to write. So I’m going to give you an update about what I am looking forward to in a few months.

On May 28th, I will be hosting my first recital. My first singing recital. *gasps* And it’s in two months?!? Yeah, I may or may not have had anxiety about this earlier this week. I’m kidding. It’s actually going better than I thought.

Just like how I said earlier that I’m not a writer…I don’t think I’m much of a singer either…yet. (Before you say anything, hear me out.) I sang for the first time on stage last year at a pageant. And I felt confident about myself since then. I spent about two months preparing for it, learning one of the most beloved and iconic songs. But after it was over and months have passed…I need more. I’m nowhere near who I want to be, and I knew I was stuck in a “two steps forward, one step back” situation.

A few weeks before the New Year, I decided to make it a resolution. And I would like to thank my vocal teacher for this idea because it was her suggestion, too. I honestly thought I would host a half an hour recital, but she believed I could do an hour. And of course, it surprised me, because can I really do that?... But it didn’t take me too long to convince myself, because I was excited to push forward. A dream became a goal.

I decided to take it a bit easier though. I planned to sing songs that I’ve already learned, with the exception of a few. I will be having three sets of songs: Italian, French, and English. I picked songs from classical, musical, and songs that people have always loved. I’m having lessons with my vocal teacher weekly to prepare for it. My background in music is limited, and so I’m also learning new things along the way, like solfege and rhythm. My music sheets are full of my own personal notes, and I’ve translated the Italian and French songs.

I booked the venue and the time slot for my recital at the beginning of this year. Late May just felt safe for me; I would have at least four months to prepare for it. But now it’s two months, and the date is creeping up really quick.

At this point, all I need to work on is practice. Two weeks ago, I was self-doubting myself even though I know the music. But to get rid of this self-doubt, obviously, I need to practice more until I feel like I own it. I’m going to admit, there are days where I slacked off for whatever excuse it was…I know it can’t continue like this any longer though. I’m writing this blog to hold myself accountable, too.

But I should be more kind to myself...I’m also nervous because I care about this. I am willingly creating this event on my own, and I am working hard for this. This recital may or may not change my life. If it does, I know it would be for the better because at least I can say that I did it for myself.

I hope to continue providing more updates on this soon. Until then, thanks for sticking around. :)


Practice Smarter, Not Harder: My Recital Update